UPWIRE®: Unlocking Your True Potential
This podcast explores the neuroscience of Hacking Human Nature to find better ways to make breakthroughs and unlock your true potential in life and work. UPWIRE® is presented by Robert Cooper, Ph.D., a neuroscientist, leadership advisor, New York Times bestselling author (with over 4 million books sold), and founder of the acclaimed 12 Leaders® program. UPWIRE® will feature stories and wisdom from Dr. Cooper, along with his latest thoughts and ideas, interviews, and newest research findings. Cooper provides compelling insights drawn from his work with elite performers and top leaders using neuroscience to get the most out of their brains, their time, and their performance.

Friday Oct 07, 2016
UPWIRE #180 - What You Frame Engages
Friday Oct 07, 2016
Friday Oct 07, 2016
The brain is largely lost in its own labyrinth of vagueness and will choose to stay there unless you're willing to lead it out of the shadows.
In this podcast, we'll learn the power of framing, and how connecting now with next fuels exceptional growth.

Friday Sep 23, 2016
UPWIRE #179 - What You Demonstrate Becomes Real (Part 2)
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
In part two of this UPWIRE, we'll look at some practical
strategies for helping your brain keep you moving forward with
greater clarity and purpose.

Friday Sep 09, 2016
UPWIRE #178 - What You Demonstrate Becomes Real (Part 1)
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Friday Sep 09, 2016
Left to its own devices, the brain is a go-second machine,
willing to happily follow someone else. The problem, of
course, is that if we're always ready to follow, how will we ever
achieve our biggest goals in our life and work?
In part one of this UPWIRE, we'll learn how to let our behavior
and life speak for itself and propel us past our brain's hard-wired

Friday Aug 26, 2016
UPWIRE #177 - What You Clarify Compels (Part 2)
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Clarity helps the brain move out of the blur and aim at what
matters most.
In part two of this podcast, we'll look at some additional
techniques we can use to hack human nature and gain instant clarity
in any situation.

Friday Aug 12, 2016
UPWIRE #176 - What You Clarify Compels (Part 1)
Friday Aug 12, 2016
Friday Aug 12, 2016
In all aspects of our lives, chaos (either real or invented by
our brains) can quickly destroy focus, leave us without direction
and derail us from achieving the future we want.
In part one of this podcast, we'll focus on the importance of
clarity and how it propels us forward-upward out of the blur.

Friday Jul 29, 2016
UPWIRE #175 - Weeklies
Friday Jul 29, 2016
Friday Jul 29, 2016
The brain loves "tomorrow", "later" or "never." It
constantly imagines itself far into some vague but wonderful
future. Unless you learn to masterfully guide your brain, it
doesn't do much to make that future a reality.
In this episode of UPWIRE, we'll look at a simple mechanism
called WEEKLIES which can fuel accelerated growth for you and your

Friday Jul 15, 2016
UPWIRE #174 - Sweat The Right Small Stuff
Friday Jul 15, 2016
Friday Jul 15, 2016
By hard-wired human nature, the brain magnifies every single
negative small thing in life, consuming vast amounts of time and
In this episode of UPWIRE, we'll learn how we can quickly hack
human nature and aim our brains toward growth. We can reclaim
our time, energy and passion by learning to sweat the right small
stuff and ditch the rest!

Friday Jul 01, 2016
UPWIRE #173 - Streamline
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Friday Jul 01, 2016
Your brain is the biggest barrier between where you are and
where you want to be. It easily becomes overloaded with
useless distractions, negative emotions and excess "baggage."
In this episode of UPWIRE, we'll learn to recognize when the
brain is creating its own gridlock, and how we can move past and
transcend this barrier using a technique called streamlining.

Monday Jun 20, 2016
UPWIRE #172 - Puzzle Pieces
Monday Jun 20, 2016
Monday Jun 20, 2016
The brain always thinks there's a big puzzle somewhere which
makes sense of everything--if only it could find all the
pieces. Waiting to see and understand all the pieces is what keeps
many of us from pursuing and achieving our top goals.
In this episode of UPWIRE, we'll look at how we can accelerate
our growth by helping our brain see how today's puzzle pieces
connect to our most amazing future.

Friday Jun 03, 2016
UPWIRE #171 - Out Of The Blur
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Left to its own devices, the brain loves to get lost in the
blur. The brain mistakes motion for work that actually
matters, confusing hyper-activity with meaningful progress.
In this episode of UPWIRE, we'll look at how exceptional leaders
and teams work around this trap and move out of the blur.

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An optimized brain changes everything. We draw on the latest brain science and best instincts of our team—which includes top strategists, neuroscientists, performance psychologists, innovation and behavior change specialists, along with Tier 1 Navy SEALs, fighter pilot commanders, record-setting athletes, and make-it-happen experts.
Yesterday’s solutions and best practices are today’s muddling mediocrity. The best approaches are becoming more precise and powerful every day. We know, because we are discovering and validating them, often conducting leading-edge research on vital breakthrough areas that no one else is studying. We draw on a peak performance research database of more than a million leaders, entrepreneurs, and other game-changers. We find where the smallest changes can make the biggest difference.
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